Are Holidays Being Shoved Down Your Throat?

Michael Lemma
3 min readNov 12, 2018


I remember as a kid the seasons lasting long. Autumn was my favorite season (still is). I remember it represented going back to school, wearing warm clothes, leaves changing, cool crisp air, and Halloween. From September to November it was a very pleasant season to be in. I felt it took its time and it eased into Thanksgiving and Christmas. The seasons slowly changed and it was enjoyable. Now, like everything else it feels rushed. One minute Summer is here, spills over into fall, fall barley happens, and then– Bam! It’s Winter. WTF? I know global warming.

However, I’m just getting over Halloween–the candy, foliage, and ofcourse watching Hocus Pocus/horror movies. I love Halloween and all things fall, but the minute it ends, I’m getting Black Friday and Christmas shoved down my throat. I’m seeing ads and billboards with Christmas messages. I can’t even walk into a store without seeing some decoration. What happened to Thanksgiving? Did we just forget it?

I don’t even get to enjoy the holidays, because it’s being rush by all the companies like Target, Walmart, Michaels, and even networks like Freeform. They push for ads so much, it makes me not want to enjoy Xmas! On Freeform its the “PreChristmas celebration” Nov 1–30 all Christmas movies, all month long... Dude, I want to enjoy Christmas in DECEMBER. NOT NOVEMBER. I want to walk into a store and see the correct decorations for the correct holiday. I walk into Michael’s in October and I’m seeing Christmas Ornaments with Halloween decorations. LIKE WHAT? SERIOUSLY. It’s like if a husband or wife died and their spouse goes out the next day to marry someone else.

I remember back in August, (AUGUST!) I started seeing Christmas trees. Like WTF?? REALLY? All these companies just shove the holidays down our throats and we don’t even get to enjoy them. It feels like it gets prompted earlier EVERY YEAR. Thanksgiving is an afterthought to me now. I used to love the anticipation building up to the holidays. Especially Thanksgiving. Everything has become so commercialized that we can’t enjoy the holidays. It’s all about buying crap for Christmas and getting the best Black Friday deals. Even Black Friday isn’t a think anymore. It’s Black Friday Month. Early Black Friday deals. Where is the excitement in that? It’s like opening your birthday gift one month early, knowing what you got. Maybe it’s me. Maybe its because I got older and my sense of time is off, so it feels rushed. Not as it was when I was a kid, slow and steady. Christmas felt like an eternity from when you started your first day of school in September. Now, Christmas is here, fast.

Is it just me or should it be illegal to put out Christmas stuff the day after Halloween/Before Thanksgiving? It should be called the Holiday law. No commercialized selling of any Christmas stuff between Nov 1st through 23–24. Once black Friday hits, go for it, play all the music, ads, movies, etc. That’s fine, but I don’t want to hear a jingle, or Merry Christmas phrase until THANKSGIVING IS OVER, and a snow flake hits the ground/it gets below 32F.

Why can’t companies focus on Thanksgiving as a way to promote the holiday. Companies do it with Halloween and Christmas. Do it with Thanksgiving! Ease me into each holiday. Make me enjoy it more! Not dread it every year and forcibly shove it down my throat. I avoid stores as much as I can to extend the holiday feeling for each holiday, but its hard to do that when I need to go to the stores for everyday things.

Bah Humbug!

